Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dangers of Not Wearing a Suit

Not wearing a firefighter suit when you are  firefighter is not a good idea. The suit is meant to protect you from all the dangers that are expirienced whie in buildings that are engulfed with flames. If a fireman goes into a burning building he or she will most likely end up with very severe burns that will scar themfor life if they do not die.


  1. Nice blog post about fire fighting suits, Its very useful. Keep posting
    like this.

  2. how much can they protect you up to? thats what ive been trying to figure out for 23 minutes lol

  3. aluminized fire proximity suit designed such that it also protects from splashes of molten metal and provides ease of wear & comfort. This makes this heat resistant suit extremely useful in places like foundries, casting houses, steel plants, power plants, boiler maintenance works and in fire rescue work. Read more - aluminized fire proximity suit
